As I said in my earlier post we left home when I was five. They have this saying on most kids shirts these days that say " When mom is mad I call Grandma " or something to that effect. Well that is a honest statement with my Grandma. I was very lucky and fortunate to have a Grandmother that was on call 24/7. It never mattered what was wrong. bad grades, upset by parents, puberty, grief, happiness, joy, confusion, misunderstandings, sibling fights, I could call my grandmother any time she always and still does have the wisdom that only Grandmothers have. In just matters of minutes my world would be fine. There was always unconditional love and honesty from her. Well Grandma has not been doing well. After my Grandpa passed in Nov of '08 I told Grandma to call and I would be on the next flight. Well Tuesday night she called not by phone but by heart. So I went home to see her. Sitting with her in quiet moments nothing said outloud but our hearts talked. We sat and ate sherbert and watched the Thin Man ( black and white movie ) curling her hair with curlers like I did when I was younger, listening to in the past stories, putting my little Grandma to bed for a nap. Rubbing lotion on her little ol arthritic hands, and to end a amazing trip with her watching Red Skelton. I can only end with this.
My Grandma is my past she is my roots and my life. She is a true blessing in my world.