Our Family

Our Family
Moments worth talking about

What is currently going on

Its that time of year where the tree's turn from their green to magnificent oranges, yellows and soft greens. Where you put away summer clothes only to get into warm fuzzy soft cozy pants, warm hot cider and soft fall moments.
I love the fall time its a time where you can still do outside if you want but love to be doors and watch the wind whip around outside. We have had a amazing summer with tons of memories and lots of new adventures.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

A day of baking

Well I got bored so I decided that we would do gingerbread men and sugar cookies.
Chad and Keith both helped out tons. Lots of laughter and trying to contain two very hyper boys who want there hands in everything from eating the dough to putting plan flour in their mouths and then PUFF goes flour all over my kitchen.
The decorating part went well again like the Gingerbread houses most of the icing and candy and sprinkles got in mouths and not on cookies but it was fun bonding with my boys.

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