Well we got done decorating the Church for the Christmas breakfast and program it started to snow. I get all giggly and kid like when the snow starts to fall its so fun. So off Christmas tree shopping we go. We get the saw and head to the isles of Nobles. We look around here and there ah ha its standing there just waiting to be picked you could see a small twinkle in its branches So calming and beautiful... NO wait that would be if I went with a normal family. What really happened is..
Lots and Lots of talk talk talk from jabber talky ( Keith ) Chad going on about something telling Keith to be quiet he has heard him enough. George of course leading his way thru the rows of nobles. I of course at the end shaking my head just wanting a bit of fun getting a tree with my boys. We wander to and fro til we came upon the right tree I asked the guys if they all liked it. Now Keith says no its to big he wants a Charlie brown tree, Chad wants a BIG tree and George shrugs his shoulders I again roll my eyes. So again I ask if this one will work or do we keep looking this is where my 9 year old says to the family maybe we should mark this one to be sure and keep looking. I look quizzically at George and he at I. We both at the same time look at Chad where upon he is attempting to " Mark " the tree. He is all ready of course. I am now rolling with laughter, George has tears rolling down his face. Keith has his look upon his face as if to say " Why do I live with these people?" I looked at Chad when I could gain some modesty and tell him if he pee'd on my Christmas tree he was in trouble. Chad looked at me puzzled and said' But that is how the dogs mark there things".
Never in my life did I think Christmas Tree Shopping with boys would ever mean one would try and mark one.
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