Well I need to take you back a few years. All my life I have been pretty accident prone. Just to give you a idea.
4= Broken noses
1- Broken Arm
1- Broken foot
4- Broken ribs
1- Axe to the face causing 4-5 stitches
1- Stitches to the finger
It seems as tho I get new legs every morning and they just get tangled up or I dont pay 100% attention to my surroundings or I am in the wrong place at the wrong time.
David and I end up going back and forth he will get hurt and then I will get hurt we just trade. He is currently in Afghanistan. He was shooting a riffle, a spring came out and gashed his forehead. So he tells me its your turn. Last week the boys and I are walking the dogs. This would seem like a very simple task but, oh no not for Lori. Just to fill you in about what kind of dogs I have. 1 VERY FAT Golden Retriever approx 140 lbs. Yes I know she is fat that is why we are walking her. 1 Malamute approx 125 lbs. Zara the Malamute thinks she is head boss and head Alpha. She thinks she needs 100% of the attention all the time. Where as Maggie the golden is just a sweet ol dog. We were getting ready to put Maggie in the back yard when Zara thought Maggie would get more attention then a dog fight broke out. To put it simply its not just a growl or a nip, its a all out up on hind leg, biting, blood drawing fight. So here I am 125lb small framed girl who is trying to break up two ticketed off dogs both together weighing over 250 lbs. I am keeping the boys back so they dont get hurt, then one of them got my left leg one pain on the shin bone one on the calf. It was like a catch release bit I think they miss took my leg for the other one. I get them all broke up and put them away, hobbled into the house where I find that I have small puncture wounds to the front and back of my leg.Went on antibiotics to prev infection. What fun! GRRRRRR.....
This was last Monday.
On Wednesday I went to put Maggie in the back yard where I went to cross over the wooden gate and my leg catches on the top of it.. I went A** over teakettle and rolled upside down into the sliding glass door. Wounded my shoulder and head.
So I am healing from the wounds from last week just bruises and knots in the muscle still knotted up but no limping or sore spots.
So Monday we as a family take the dogs out. The boys and I have Zara, George has Maggie. We go for a longer run this time due to Zara being pretty amped up and needed a good run. So I think with the speed we were going we were training for the Ideroid she was almost at her longest stretch and I was running pretty good when all of a sudden she gets in front of me letting Chad pass on the bike where my feet catch her back leg and BAM I fall with all my weight down on my right knee. I lie there kinda in a daze as if to say " What just happened"? Zara came to me immediatly just looked at me as if to say "Um hello what just happened" kinda funny how we both had the same thoughts. As I am rubbing my knee Chad runs me over with his bike. So I get up I can bare no weight or bend my knee. I told Keith to go get Dad. He does He takes off on his bike I could see fire flowing from the tires he is going to fast.He tells George hurry mom fell again she needs your help HURRY!
Ended up in the ER this time. Thank God no broken bones but I think I might have torn something or really did a smash up job. I get to go see Ortho Surgeon on Monday to have his expert eye and hand look at my very bruised, swollen, and have a pretty big knot on it.
So this is my life as we know it.
I am staying true to my past history.
Please send up prayers and hope that no more injuries happens.
As a follow up I did talk to David and warn him about the injuries... I will keep you posted...
Our Family

Moments worth talking about
What is currently going on
Its that time of year where the tree's turn from their green to magnificent oranges, yellows and soft greens. Where you put away summer clothes only to get into warm fuzzy soft cozy pants, warm hot cider and soft fall moments.
I love the fall time its a time where you can still do outside if you want but love to be doors and watch the wind whip around outside. We have had a amazing summer with tons of memories and lots of new adventures.
I love the fall time its a time where you can still do outside if you want but love to be doors and watch the wind whip around outside. We have had a amazing summer with tons of memories and lots of new adventures.
My good friends
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