For those of you who are not from the Great Northwest. Once a year we have a Daffodile Parade. I am 35 years old and have never been to it. This year I got smart and ASKED someone when it was. To my wonderful delight I did not miss it for it was this past weekend. For those who do live in the Great NorthWest. Its the First Weekend in April. It was one of the best parades I have ever in my life been to. I think I enjoyed it for the simple fact it was home down. People stood and clapped when the Vetrains walked by, they clapped again when the Shiners went by , They clapped when the fire Dept went by. Total gradatude for those who put there lives on the line for us. Every other entry was a band so of course I LOVED IT.
What also impressed me is that it did not matter if you had a disability or were not perfect they were all in the parade and no one minded. In fact a disabled girl was the Queen of the Strawberry Festival. There was also a disabled person in one of the High School bands Someone pushed her in her wheelchair as she played the tambourine. I was so impressed by honesty of the parade. Just good ol fashioned down home fun.
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